Alex: I’m not sure why this happens to me, but I keep meeting guys who I really like, only to find out that they live with their ex! Both times this happened, they’ve been ‘broken up’ and claim to be moving out and moving on… The most current guy makes me feel good and I could see myself liking him more down the road, but a part of me feels a little weird knowing he goes home to his ex-girlfriend every night. I’m not looking for anything serious, we haven’t even slept together; I’m just having fun hanging out with him. I don’t know if I should say anything because I’m seeing other people, but I don’t want to develop feelings for someone who’s potentially unavailable. What would you do?
Nik: Ditch the fucker. Ahh, that felt good to say. Okay, but seriously the guy needs to move out (or his ex does.) As much as he says it’s over, he’s still sharing his home with her, which in my opinion is one’s most intimate space. As available as he makes himself to you, he’s still not…
Cry Baby
Alex: Saturday nights used to be Janae putting on her MEOW playlist as we’d try on 3 or 4 outfits before deciding what to wear. Shelly would pour the drinks and after the buzz kicked in, Griffel would remind us that it was time to order the Uber. We’d dance until about 2 am, come home and make a pizza. It sucked when we ran out of ranch. Sundays were spent recovering, usually watching How I Met Your Mother, or off to the beach to relax and wait for the ocean to take care of our hangovers. As much fun as that was, I wasn’t getting anywhere on my script! It’s been a couple of months now at my new job and I’m not
Life. Death. I’m Awake.
Nik: Every now and then something rocks you to your core. Last week I found out that a woman I know has three weeks left to live. She has been battling breast cancer for four years and kept a beautiful and inspiring blog about it. I’ve been following the blog for a while now. I’d say prayers when she asked for them. I’d silently cheer her on when she shared good news. But Tuesday night I cried. She wrote that she was in the beginning stages of liver failure and was told she has three weeks to live. I burst into tears. I kept thinking there must be something left that she can do. There must be a way to fix it. There must be a way for her to keep living. It isn’t fair. She’s in her thirties and has two young children, but was told by the people who’ve been trying to save her life that she has three weeks left. How is that possible? I cried harder than
Love and Learn
Alex: Dating in LA sucks balls. I started seeing someone back in January. It was refreshing to like someone again. From the first day we met we started a conversation that never ended. It was effortless and exciting. One of the first nights we hung out we found a huge tree on San Vicente, climbed to the perfect spot, and shared our first kiss. I was on cloud nine! I felt like I hit the jackpot, winning the lotto of love. Haha, that was so cheesy. Okay back to the story… At first it was all so easy. I would wake up to a ‘good morning’ text. We would talk on the phone for hours. The sex was wonderful. It was all too good to be true. Seriously. A few months passed and I was left scratching my head wondering what the heck happened.
Tongue Critic
Alex: We’ve already established he never reads our blog… But just in case he’s ever forced to… Dad, stop reading now.
Alex: Not kidding.
Alex: Stop. Reading. Now.
Alex: Last warning.
Nik: OH MY GOD! You’re killing me! He doesn’t read our blog! What?!
Stop Thinking. Start Kissing.
Alex: A close friend from high school recently got married. She’s my first girlfriend to get married. I was in the bridal party so I was there when they got married. I can’t stop saying the word married. I think it’s because it scares me a little. I know I’m only 24 and people say that I’m young, but it doesn’t change the fact that every now and then I’m overwhelmed with the pressure of ...
Holiday Blues
Alex: This Thanksgiving was my first holiday away from home. There are some things I knew I wouldn’t miss like the clean up and cold weather. But there are a lot of things that I knew I would miss; my grandma’s perfectly mashed potatoes with a touch of garlic, the sound of papa’s electric knife cutting the turkey, football on the big screen, the array of desserts we could choose from after dinner, the festive ...
A Lesson I Want To Share
Alex: My mother called me today. It caught me off guard, I wasn’t ready. As my phone was ringing I had an instant flashback to the last time we spoke: “I don’t want to see you, Alex.” It has been months since I’ve talked to her. The feeling of hope that she was her old self again took over. I was walking into my friends house when I decided to pick up the phone and ...
Geographically Desirable
Alex: Why does it have to be so difficult to meet up in this city!? I live on the west side, closer to the ocean, and the majority of people I have met or knew before I moved here live on the east side, closer to Hollywood or Studio City. At first the traffic didn’t bother me, but now it’s what is killing my friendships with people! That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to meet up with someone, but didn’t because of traffic. Forget crossing the 405 anytime between 2pm to 8pm. That leaves a small window of time to hang. It sucks! Don’t even bother trying to make dinner plans anymore. The only people I can see regularly are those I live with or those who live west of the 405. Sad face. Maybe
Indecisive Drinker
Alex: I never know what to drink when I go out. I always ask everyone what they’re getting before I order hoping it will help me make a decision. If I knew my drink, I wouldn’t have to contemplate for three hours whether I want vodka, whiskey, or a beer. I’ve always been jealous of my dad. He has been drinking bacardi and coke for as long as I can remember. He knows what he likes. I want to know what I like. The other night at Moms, my favorite bar in Santa Monica, it has a ping pong table, a nice gentleman asked “Can I buy you a drink?” I annoyingly responded “Hmm…what are you having? I usually go with a vodka tonic or a Jameson and lemonade, but it depends on the night.” He smiled, but I could tell he was really thinking… what the eff do you want? After that encounter, I decided I want to have a drink I like enough to order every time. That way I can actually talk to the cute guy at the bar instead of spending fifteen minutes picking a drink. Do you have a go-to?
Nik: I don’t have one. But I need one because I do the same thing. I spend forever eyeballing every bottle on the shelf trying to make a decision. Then I’ll ask the bartender what I should get and he’ll ask what kind of alcohol I like and I don’t even know that. I guess I like a dirty martini, but only when I’m craving salt. I don’t like sugary drinks. I like wine, but only at restaurants. Beer makes me burp, which is never ideal, nothing like burping in a guys face right after he asks for your number…yeah. I don’t have my drink yet. I’d like go-to’s. A beer. A drink. A wine.
Alex: What do you mean burping in a guys face is never ideal?
Nik: I don’t even know how to respond.
Nik: I just looked at the link you sent me. I’m cracking up. Does your dad wear cargo shorts?