Nik: Paleta. That is all.
Alex: What kind of balls are those? Beef balls? Chicken balls? Lamb balls? Man balls? You plate like a whore.
Nik: Ate like one too.
Alex: For how long?
Nik: Two weeks.
Alex: And they deliver?
Nik: Yep, every morning.
Alex: And the food was good?
Michael Symon’s 5 in 5 Cookbook
Halloweeny Cocktail
Nik: Alex we need to make Pina Ghouladas! I found this recipe on Martha Stewart’s site.
Alex: What were you doing on Martha Stewart?
Nik: Looking at stuff.
Alex: No comment.
Nik: What? She has…
Alex: It’s been almost two months since I’ve waxed my eyebrows. That’s a record. They’re starting to look like caterpillars.
Nik: They’re a little unruly.
Alex: Where do you get yours done? And do you wax them or get them threaded? Haha… the word threaded is fun to say.
Nik: Threaded. Threadddded. Thhhhhhhreaded.
Alex: You get them threaded?
Nik: The people I work with introduced me to GUNPOWDER the other day and you will thank them. It’s way better than coffee. I was so clear-minded and had tons of energy all day, but not tweaky like when you drink too much coffee. Not sure this is an everyday thing for me, but when I need a little extra something to get me across the finish line…
Alex: What the hell is Gunpowder?
Alex: I really enjoy lunch time because I get to listen to the writers talk about their favorite shows and other cool things they’ve done lately. Today one of my co-workers was talking about this interactive haunted play called Delusion. It’s supposed to make you feel like you are in a scary movie. Are you a scaredy cat?
My Fridge Food
Alex: I stumbled upon this cool website where you can list the ingredients you have in your fridge and it gives you recipes.
Nik: Genius. I’m trying it.
Alex: Let me know how it goes.
Nik: So…
30-day Green Smoothie Challenge
Nik: I love a challenge.
Alex: Me too, especially when there’s food involved.
Nik: I wonder if I can actually commit to something for 30 days.
Alex: Well there’s only one way to find out. I’m signing up!
Alex: I know what you can get me for my bachelorette party…
Nik: I keep saying I want a nanny, but this is so much better. Like so much better.
Go Get It
Nik: Ball til I fall.