Nik: Every Thanksgiving my family watches Christmas movies while we work through the turkey coma. It’s always the same… Christmas Vacation, Elf, A Christmas Story. Each year, I notice something new; usually in Christmas Vacation (btw, I live for Chevy Chase’s monologue at the end), but this year I learned something deeply profound from Elf. My sister and I were sifting through the Black Friday deals in the newspaper while simultaneously bashing the hordes of morons who actually shop on that day (us included–it’s a love/hate affair) and while we were sifting, Mary Steenburgen’s character asked Buddy how he slept and he responded with, “Great! I got a full 40 minutes!” My sister and I looked at each other and…
Can’t Stop Me Now
Alex: I did it! Holy shitcakes Nik, I finished the FIRST draft of my pilot I don’t even know how to tell you what I’m feeling right now. I’ve never been this far along on a creative project in my life. 54 pages. Read em’ and weep baby. I feel like I could run an entire marathon right now. Honestly, nothing could make me angry in this moment. I’ll prove it. Try to say something that you think will make me mad.
Nik: I can’t because I’m so freaking happy right now!
Alex: C’mon try!
Nik: Uh… I slept with Aaron Rodgers while I was in GB?
Alex: See? Not mad!
Nik: Yeah, that’s more high five worthy anyway. Seriously though, I’m so proud of you. Finishing a script is a HUGE accomplishment. You stepped up and you got it done.
Alex: It’s moments like this…
I’m obsessed with… BuzzBar
Halloweeny Cocktail
Nik: Alex we need to make Pina Ghouladas! I found this recipe on Martha Stewart’s site.
Alex: What were you doing on Martha Stewart?
Nik: Looking at stuff.
Alex: No comment.
Nik: What? She has…
I’m obsessed with… Animal by Midnight Faces
Alex: My favorite thing about LA is that I am constantly surrounded by other artists who inspire me. I love learning about the different process each of them has when working on a project. A friend of mine is the lead singer in this LA-based Duo called Midnight Faces and I am obsessed with their song Animal right now. It's on repeat when I have a long drive. Their video is cool too. It's just creepy enough ...
Nothing’s Original
Alex: I feel like EVERYTHING has been done before. It’s annoying and irritating and makes me want to pull my hair out and kick my computer screen off my desk and scream like a child who just found out that Christmas isn’t happening this year. While I was writing a scene last night, I thought of a concept for my next pilot. Later, after I was done writing, I danced with the new idea for a bit. I decided to do a little research and within 30 seconds I discovered it’s already been made into a show. I put away my phone and pouted like a little girl until I fell asleep. Why? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!?
Nik: The first pilot I ever wrote was in development until the network called and said
I’m obsessed with… IN-Q
Alex: If you have not heard of IN-Q then your life isn’t as complete as it could be. His poetry is my new obsession. His message, his passion, his wisdom is so raw and real. I can’t get enough. I saw him at an Allen Stone concert last year, but I didn’t know who he was. He came out during Allen’s set and performed “85“. Everyone in the audience was silent, taking in his words, his knowledge.
Alex: I really enjoy lunch time because I get to listen to the writers talk about their favorite shows and other cool things they’ve done lately. Today one of my co-workers was talking about this interactive haunted play called Delusion. It’s supposed to make you feel like you are in a scary movie. Are you a scaredy cat?
Magical Room
Alex: Today was so exciting, Nik!!! I took notes for the first time in the writers’ room. Well, it wasn’t the main room but who cares. The writers split up into two groups and I was pulled into one of them to take notes on character arcs. I loved hearing how they brainstormed ideas. How they took turns talking and giving pitches. It was so cool to see them debate and question each other. Honestly, it was magical. I can’t tell you how hard it was to stay focused. At times my brain would wander… I wanted to play too! It feels incredible to be working somewhere where I want to move up the ladder. I had to bite my tongue so many times because
Alex: Not going to lie, Dangerdust inspired me today. My favorite is “Know how to spell a word more than one way.” – Mark Twain. Which one is your favorite?
Nik: Um.
Alex: Chalkboard art doesn’t do it for ya?
Nik: Everything is just so nice now. I mean, remember the days when you’d go to school and there was a permanent marker dick on your locker?
Alex: Yeah, I was really into MASH. Did you ever play that game?