Goals Schmoals

Monday, May 5, 2014 , , , , 1

Alex: Now that I have a script to finish, I’ve been focusing on getting my work flow down. It’s tough. I don’t know how some people do it. Some days I’m uber productive and sometimes I’ll go on a week bender where I do nothing besides breathe, eat and drink wine. Sometimes I’ll procrastinate by reading things about being productive. That’s how I stumbled across this gem. James Clear “Forget About Setting Goals. Focus on ...

It’s Over Now

Wednesday, April 2, 2014 , , , , 0

Nik:  Sometimes I just  have to write a poem to unblock the block…

it’s over now

cantankerous.  mortality.  flesh not flesh.
osteichthyes, chondrichthyes, agnatha, stench still of dead fish,
that consternation held dear hated friend,
for effect affected, left confusion,
abrupt erupting deep,
carcass, relic, trash can trophy, residue of impassioned passion,
fruit rotten, spotted grainy juice,

Netflix Makes Me Horny

Monday, March 3, 2014 , , , 0

Alex: Have you heard of this awesome new website that streams media on-demand? It’s called Netflix!
Nik:  (Silent.  Blank stare.  Thought bubble:  Is she serious?)
Alex:  Come on, I was being funny. Anyway, I’m not sure if I want to admit this or not, but I live on Netflix. We don’t have cable so what else is there to watch? Don’t answer that. I have my go-to shows:  Parks and Rec, Louie, Scandal, Arrested Development,  but recently I came across the “Max” feature. Have you heard of it?

I’m obsessed with… Weleda Rose Oil

Friday, February 14, 2014 , , , , 0

Nik:  I read an article somewhere that supermodels put this on their face when they’re traveling, so of course I tried it. I put a few drops in the palms of my hands, rubbed them together and pressed my palms to my face before bed. I woke up, looked in the mirror and I look like Gisele. Okay, not really, but my skin is glowing and feels really soft. I also mixed it in with my body ...

Stop Thinking. Start Kissing.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 , , , , 0

Alex:  A close friend from high school recently got married. She’s my first girlfriend to get married. I was in the bridal party so I was there when they got married. I can’t stop saying the word married. I think it’s because it scares me a little. I know I’m only 24 and people say that I’m young, but it doesn’t change the fact that every now and then I’m overwhelmed with the pressure of ...

I’m obsessed with… Hypercolor Nail Polish

Nik:  My latest manicure has provided me with hours of entertainment. And no it’s not because I’m bored.  Well, I am, now that my pilot is finished.  But really it’s because it’s hypercolor. When I’m cold, my nails are a deep red, almost black, and when I’m warm, they turn cherry red. It’s weirdly fun to watch when my fingers are changing temperature…my middle fingers are always cold. Who knew?

Holiday Blues

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 , , , , 0

Alex:  This Thanksgiving was my first holiday away from home. There are some things I knew I wouldn’t miss like the clean up and cold weather. But there are a lot of things that I knew I would miss; my grandma’s perfectly mashed potatoes with a touch of garlic, the sound of papa’s electric knife cutting the turkey, football on the big screen, the array of desserts we could choose from after dinner, the festive ...