Step Up or Step Aside!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 , , , , 0

Alex:  I’m having a moment of weakness. I feel stuck. Moving out to LA makes you realize how much work you really have in front of you. Everyone I meet is an aspiring actress, singer, director, producer… you name it! Everyone has an idea that can be ‘the next big thing.’ Instead of being intimidated, I want to be motivated, but right now I’m just overwhelmed with transition and tired of pretending like it’s easy.
Nik:  Remember, making it in LA is a marathon not a sprint. And if you think of it that way, it’ll take some of the pressure off and get you ‘unstuck’. It’s not about how fast you get to where you think you should be, but about moving toward something. Anything. And you’ve got to keep moving because if you stop there’s a beauty queen from Kansas ready to wave and smile her way into your spot. My mantra when I get stuck ie. full of fear and self-doubt: step up or step aside. This works for me because I’m competitive and I’m not stepping aside for anyone. Find a mantra that works for you when you get all locked up in that place of indecisiveness and uncertainty. You know, when I first moved out here,